Hello from Holland

  • Hello everyone,

    Greetings from the Netherlands! I registered on the forum a couple of months ago and since then read a lot of really interesting stuff (thanks everyone for all this info!), but this is my first post.
    I'm afraid that if I try to write in German no one would understand (or at least I would give you something to laugh about), so I'll write in English. But reading German is (usually) not a problem for me.

    I've been doing puzzles all my life (or at least as far as I can remember). A major milestone was putting together the 12000 pieces of Hieronymus Bosch - Die Versuchung des heiligen Antonius(unmixed bags) soon after it was released in 1983 (that may tell you something about my age - let's say I'm middle aged). I still have that puzzle; it survived several moves and some water damage (luckily only to the box), and when we checked a few months ago it turned out that only one piece was missing. Thanks to the jigsaw doctor it's complete again, and it's now on the waiting list to be put together once more, but now with mixed bags.

    I did not have a lot of time for puzzles for quite a number of years, but recently have resumed this great hobby. I've found that working on a puzzle for me is perhaps the best way to relax after a busy day. Over the last few months I've been able to increase my collection to some 75 puzzles (mostly second hand) - about a dozen in the 6000-24000 range, about 20 in the 3000-5000 range, and the rest mainly between 1000 and 2000. And they are all shouting at me: "Build me! Build me!" This summer we're redecorating our living room, and as a part of that process I'm claiming some space where I can put up a large puzzle table so that I can tackle the really big ones. In the meantime, I'm restricting myself to puzzles of "only" up to 2500 pieces. Next in line is a 3000 piece Clementoni puzzle, Van Gogh's room in Arles, which has rather small pieces and should fit the board I have available now. That would be a nice candidate for my first Doku.

    Best regards,

    I write in English und ein bisschen Googledeutsch but please feel free to reply in proper Deutsch!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hello @zetmolm

    it's very nice to meet you here. Thank you very much for your introduction :-).

    Zitat von zetmolm

    I've found that working on a puzzle for me is perhaps the best way to relax after a busy day.

    this is it! Pure relaxation, combined with thrills, challenges and cute finger exercises :)

    I am looking forward to your first doku. Whenever you need something, please feel free to ask.
    Have a great time while joining the forum.

    Bye voor nu, ik weens u een mooie dag (thanks to google translator *g*)

  • -welcome- Welcome to our nice community!

    It's no problem for me, if you write in German and I can't understand ... some Germans don't know it better (I have the same problem, I know my English is not very good) - and I will never laugh about it :)

    Ich freue mich auf deine Dokus !
    Some puzzles with "typical dutch" motives like windmills or tulips ? ;)

    Ein Stückchen Schokolade enthält gerade so viel Energie, wie man braucht, um sich noch ein Stück zu nehmen smilie_essen_142.gif
    LG Sanne

    wenn Ihr etwas bei meinen Puzzles seht, was Euch gefällt - fragt einfach an - ich gebe fast alle Puzzles ab

  • Ein herzliches Willkommen im Forum. Ich denke, mir geht es genau umgekehrt, ich kann das Geschriebene relativ gut verstehen, aber selber schreiben, dann doch eher in deutscher Sprache.
    Deine Vorstellung klingt sehr interessant und ich freue mich auf viele spannende Dokumentationen, vor allem der großen Motive.

    Viel Spaß und nette Unterhaltung.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hello zetmolm, a very welcome to our forum Puzzlefreunde.


    At the moment I'm on the way to finish to 12.000 Antonius, don't know if you already saw this in our documentations.
    I never would do this puzzle mixed up, because the wooden lower side just drives me crazy in some moments. :rolleyes:

    Have much fun here!

  • Herzlich -welcome- @zetmolm

    The same for me, I can read the most letters in English, but writing is a problem for me.
    Deshalb schreibe ich lieber in Deutsch!

    Ich sehe das genau so, Puzzeln ist entspannend nach einem hektischen und arbeitsreichen Arbeitstag.
    Aber auch in Ruhephasen setze ich mich gerne an mein Puzzle.

    Jetzt wünsche ich dir erst einmal viel Spaß beim stöbern im Forum.
    Ich freue mich auf deine Dokus, die du erstellen wirst :thumbup:

  • Dear Zetmolm,

    a warm welcome from me too and thank you for your interesting introduction. I hope you will enjoy being with us and I'm looking forward to you dokus and more news. :)


  • Auch von mir ein herzliches


    Ich werde deine Doku gespannt verfolgen und wünsche dir eine Menge Spaß mit den bunten Teilchen und besonders
    hier im Forum !!